Nicole Huber
nhuber at

Nicole Huber

M.S., Exercise & Sport Science, Smith College, Northampton, MA, 1998
B.A., Economics and French, Smith College, Northampton, MA, 1996

Research Interests:
The tintinnid ciliate Favella is an important consumer of algae in marine coastal waters, but its feeding behavior is complex and not well understood. A recent study by S. Strom, G. Wolfe, and K. Bright showed that amino acids with small side chains, such as serine, proline, and alanine, suppress feeding in Favella in a non-toxic, dose-dependent, rapid, and readily reversible manner. My research is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying this feeding inhibition. I am using 3H isotopes to study the binding of amino acids to a putative receptor on Favella. Ultimately, I hope to characterize this receptor biochemically, show where it is located, and offer an explanation for how the binding of small side-chained amino acids to the receptor relates to the feeding inhibition observed by Strom et al.

In my copious amounts of free time, I also conduct research on the feeding habits of a toddler girl.

Images of Favella
I keep an extensive set of Favella photos on Flickr.

Gordon Conference for Marine Microbes
University of New England, July 2006

My aspiring scientist
It is never too early to start loving science.
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